A true iconic tool
It’s just like our classic and iconic folding rule from 1883, except that we added two sections and made it 240 cm long.
It’s manufactured from traditional downy birch with joints in Swedish steel. It is also available in moist resistant fibreglass.

No need to move the folding rule
An advantage of the 240 cm long model is that when you make measurements for full-size plasterboards and standard ceiling height, for instance, you don’t have to move the folding rule. You simply reach a little further.
In addition, if you are going to make a measurement of 240 cm, you don’t need a bulky 3-meter folding rule. With this tool, you can take full-length measures and still work smoothly and efficiently.
Easy to distinguish
A distinct print on the side makes it easy to distinguish the 240 from other folding rules.
Two different materials – for wet and dry conditions
The 240 folding rule is manufactured in two different materials. Just like our classic folding rule it is available in traditional downy birch with joints made of Swedish steel. Except the wooden one there is also one model made in fiberglass. Folding rules made in fibreglass isn’t affected by moist and can be used in wet conditions and are easy to clean. Perfect for craftsmen doing masonry, or working with paint and plaster.
FSC® Certified - A conscious choice
At Hultafors we have been developing innovative tools to rely on for over 140 years. It all started with the invention of the folding rule that helped people transition into a new way of measuring. Now a new chapter in our story has begun, with our 2.40 folding rule being FSC®-certified (FSC® C143211).
We want to help craftsmen make a more conscious choice when it comes to their hand tools. It might seem a small step for man, but we believe it’s a huge leap for our business. For us, the choice was obvious. We begin with making our latest model of folding rule, the 2.40, a more sustainable product, bringing our heritage into the future, for the next generation.
Made of certified and controlled material
The FSC® label signifies that the material used for the product has been responsibly sourced. In detail it indicates that the wood has not been illegally harvested; harvested in violation of traditional and civil rights; harvested in forests where high conservation values (HCVs) are threatened; harvested in forests being converted to plantations or non-forest use or harvested in forests where genetically modified trees are planted.