The Contact-Meter has long been a bit of a hidden gem in our range of folding rules. Why is it so special, you might wonder? Well, on the Contact-Meter the metric scale is printed on the opposite side of the sticks compared to a standard folding rule. This enables you to place it flat against a surface, even when it’s not completely folded out, which makes it easier to measure with good precision. And that’s how it got its name, the tool is in contact with the surface
Two different materials
Contact-Meter is available in wood and fibreglass. Just like the classic folding rule, Contact-Meter is manufactured in Hultafors out of traditional downy glass birch. On the other hand you have fiberglass, that has the advantage of being more resistant to moisture, easier to keep clean if you are working with mortar or concrete. And since they only contain a minimum of metal parts, they are very well suited for electric work.
Wooden folding rulers are more flexible and many simply find them more pleasant to handle. It’s a matter of taste we would say. But we also know that if you try the Contact-Meter you most likely will not go back to the traditional model. Do you dare to try it?

The triangular red symbol
On every folding rule from Hultafors you can spot a red equilateral triangle. Inside it, the letters KHJK are written, the initials from the company founder Karl Hilmer Johansson Kollén.
The Hultafors founder, Karl Hilmer Johansson Kollén, invented the folding rule in 1883. And ever since, we have manufactured folding rules for professionals all over the world.