Professional craftsmen expect a great deal from their saws. It is fundamentally about productivity and precision: The ability to saw fast, straight and safely with a guaranteed neat cut every time. This expectation was also the starting point for us at Hultafors when we began developing our handsaws.
It didn’t take long before we realized that to develop cutting-edge saws, we had to design a new grinding – the best grinding ever made – to meet the demands of the professional craftsmen. And since the cutting edge was unchartered territory, we had to generate knowledge on our own.
Searching for superior tooth geometry
First, we understood that we had to create a unique, exceptional tooth geometry. But what is superior geometry? And how do we know? These questions challenged us to build a unique test machine, in which we compared various prototypes and existing saw models. Sawing through a specific test material we measured certain parameters such as force and the number of strokes.
For each stroke we came closer to the ideal tooth geometry, which eventually resulted in a unique 3-phase grinding where the teeth are ground in three different angles. This unique design ensures a more efficient saw that requires less force to make fine high-precision cuts without chipping.
In addition, we did assessments to even further improve and secure the efficiency. Based on these tests we developed our own wax-based powder coating, which we are proud to say is both more efficient and environmentally-friendly than traditional coating.

Finding the perfect angle
During the development process, we also did lots of experimenting in search of the perfect angle between handle and blade. These experiments included several tests by hand as well as verifications using the test machine. Eventually we came up with the right angle to ensure optimal balance between force and the number of strokes for the best experience.
Furthermore, to enhance the ergonomic experience we developed an ergonomic handle that ensured optimal grip and precision. This design also enables the hand and blade to be separated for optimal waste separation and recycling.
Calling the experts
During the development of our new handsaws we got help from the real experts, the professional craftsmen. As always. Engaging the real Pros is what enables us to design tools that simplifies their daily work. From the beginning to the finished product, they provided us with invaluable feedback that contributed greatly to the design of our very first saw – the HBX handsaw, which was launched in 2015.
Adding a unique blade protection
One thing that we heard from almost all the professional users was that the current blade protections were really bad, so bad in fact that nobody actually used them. Energized by this challenge, we decided to develop a blade protection that protected both the user and the surroundings and most of all, was user-friendly.
This determination eventually resulted in a sturdy blade guard with a smart quick-release function that allows you to quickly and easily remove and refasten the protection using only one hand. This unique blade protection does not only protect the saw when stored or transported, but also yourself and the surroundings.

Continuous improvement
The experience we gained from developing the HBX Handsaw has been the basis for the development of our full range of handsaws, which includes bow saws, hacksaws and various special saws for cutting in most materials, such as metal, concrete, wood, plasterboard and plastic.
To find out which saw best suits you and your work, please consult our saw guides.